在 JavaScript 中替换字符串

Mehvish Ashiq 2023年1月30日 2022年5月10日
  1. 在 JavaScript 中使用 split()join() 方法替换字符串
  2. 在 JavaScript 中复制 PHP str_replace() 函数来替换字符串
在 JavaScript 中替换字符串

替换字符串的方法有多种,包括 replace() 方法、regular expressionsplit()join() 一起,以及 PHP str_replace() 方法的副本。

你可以在此处找到一篇详细的文章,该文章解释了如何使用带有和不带有 regexreplace() 方法来替换 JavaScript 中的字符串。

本教程讨论了如何在 JavaScript 中复制 PHP str_replace() 函数,以及一起使用 split()join() 方法来替换 JavaScript 中的字符串。你可以在这里找到更多关于 split()join() 的信息。

在 JavaScript 中使用 split()join() 方法替换字符串

split() 方法根据 separator 拆分原始字符串。它在不更改原始字符串的情况下输出新的子字符串数组。

join() 函数根据 separator 连接所有数组元素。它返回一个新字符串而不更新原始字符串。

JavaScript 代码:

let message = "This is a dummy text that we want to replace using replace function.";
let new_message = message.split("want").join("do not want");


"This is a dummy text that we do not want to replace using replace function."

split() 函数在找到 want 的位置拆分 message 并返回两个子字符串 "This is a dummy text that we "" to replace using replace function."。请记住,它在破坏字符串时不会删除空格。

join() 方法将这两个子字符串与 do not want 连接起来,并输出为 "This is a dummy text, we don't want to replace using replace function."


JavaScript 代码:

let message = "This is a dummy text that we want to replace using replace function.";
let split_message = message.split("want")
let new_message = split_message.join("do not want");


"This is a dummy text that we want to replace using replace function."
["This is a dummy text that we ", " to replace using replace function."]
"This is a dummy text that we do not want to replace using replace function."

在 JavaScript 中复制 PHP str_replace() 函数来替换字符串

JavaScript 代码:

function str_replace($searchString, $replaceString, $message) {
  	// We create regext to find the occurrences
 	var regex;

 	// If the $searchString is a string
 	if ( typeof($searchString) == "string" ) {
		// Escape all the characters used by regex
 		$searchString = $searchString.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\");
 		regex = new RegExp("(" + $searchString + ")", "g");
    } else {
		 // Escape all the characters used by regex
 		$searchString = $searchString.map(function(i) {
 			return i.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\");
	    regex = new RegExp("(" + $searchString.join("|") + ")", "g");
 	// we create the replacement
 	var replacement;

 	// If the $searchString is a string
 	if ( typeof($replaceString) == "string" ) {
 		replacement = $replaceString;
    } else {
 		// If the $searchString is a string and the $replaceString an array
 		if ( typeof($searchString) == "string" ) {
 			replacement = $replaceString[0];
        } else {
 			// If the $searchString and $replaceString are arrays
 			replacement = function (i) {
 				return $replaceString[ $searchString.indexOf(i) ];
	return $message.replace(regex, replacement);
let message = "This is a dummy text that we want to replace using replace function.";
console.log(str_replace("want", "do not want", message));


"This is a dummy text that we do not want to replace using replace function."

对于上面的示例,str_replace() 方法采用三个参数:$searchString$replaceString$message

它首先创建 regex (/[want]/g),考虑 $searchString 是否属于 string 类型而不是。然后,我们考虑各种情况创建替换

例如,如果 $searchString 是否是 string。如果不是,请检查 $searchString 是否是 string$replaceString 是否是数组或 $searchString$replaceString 是否都是数组。

最后,我们在 replace() 方法中使用此 regexreplacement 来获得所需的输出。我们可以优化上面给出的长代码以获得准确的输出。

JavaScript 代码:

function str_replace($search, $replace, $message) {
  return $message.replace(new RegExp("(" + (typeof($search) == "string" ?
      $search.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\") :
      $search.map(function(i) {
        return i.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\")
      }).join("|")) + ")", "g"), typeof($replace) == "string" ?
    $replace : typeof($search) == "string" ? $replace[0] : function(i) {
      return $replace[$search.indexOf(i)]
let message = "This is a dummy text that we want to replace using replace function.";
console.log(str_replace("want", "do not want", message));


"This is a dummy text that we do not want to replace using replace function."
Mehvish Ashiq avatar Mehvish Ashiq avatar

Mehvish Ashiq is a former Java Programmer and a Data Science enthusiast who leverages her expertise to help others to learn and grow by creating interesting, useful, and reader-friendly content in Computer Programming, Data Science, and Technology.

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