在 JavaScript 中过滤数组多个值

Mehvish Ashiq 2023年1月30日 2022年5月5日
  1. JavaScript 中使用 filter() 方法通过检查多个值来过滤数组
  2. JavaScript 中使用 filter() 方法通过检查多个值来过滤对象数组
  3. 在 JavaScript 中使用 filter() 方法动态过滤对象数组
在 JavaScript 中过滤数组多个值

filter() 方法使用已通过测试函数的元素创建一个全新的数组。

JavaScript 中使用 filter() 方法通过检查多个值来过滤数组

例如,我们将检索姓氏以 M 开头并且至少参加了 3 门课程的学生的记录。

filter() 函数不会修改/更新原始数组并针对空元素运行。

var array = [1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 5, 9, 10, 8];
var result = array.filter(array => array < 10 && array >=2);


[3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 5, 9, 8]

在这里,我们在 filter() 方法中使用箭头函数


然后该元素将保存在 result 数组中,否则,移动到数组的下一个元素。

JavaScript 中使用 filter() 方法通过检查多个值来过滤对象数组

在这里,我们有一个包含 4 个对象的 cities 数组。


let cities = [
    {city_name: 'Los Angeles', city_population: 3992631},
    {city_name: 'New York', city_population: 8185433},
    {city_name: 'Chicago', city_population: 2655568},
    {city_name: 'China', city_population: 2039471},
let bigCitiesAndPopulation = cities.filter(function (e) {
    return e.city_population > 2000000 && e.city_name.startsWith("Chi");


  city_name: "Chicago",
  city_population: 2655568
}, {
  city_name: "China",
  city_population: 2039471

filter() 方法返回数组,因为我们将它与数组一起使用。现在,我们将它与对象数组一起使用,filter() 函数返回一个对象数组。

或者,我们可以使用 filter() 方法来获得准确的结果。

let bigCitiesAndPopulation = cities.filter(city => 
                                           city.city_population > 2000000 &&


  city_name: "Chicago",
  city_population: 2655568
}, {
  city_name: "China",
  city_population: 2039471


let bigCitiesAndPopulation = [];

for (let i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {
    if (cities[i].city_population > 2000000 && cities[i].city_name.startsWith("Chi")) {


  city_name: "Chicago",
  city_population: 2655568
}, {
  city_name: "China",
  city_population: 2039471

我们使用一个一直运行到 cities.length-1for 循环。在 for-loop 中,我们检查 city_population 是否大于 2000000 并且 city_name 是否以 Chi 开头。

如果两个条件都满足,那么只有这个城市才会被推入数组 bigCitiesAndPopulation



例如,我们在 filtersArray 中有 4 个值 BiologyPhysicsChemistryArts。我们的目标是获取那些具有 filtersArray 的对象。

var studentCourses =   [
    { id: 210, courses: "Biology Physics Math"},
    { id: 211, courses: "History Physics ComputerScience"},
    { id: 212, courses: "Arts Language Biology Chemistry Physics"},
    { id: 213, courses: "Chemistry Statistics Math"},
    { id: 214, courses: "Biology Chemistry Physics Arts"},

var	filtersArray = ["Biology", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Arts"];

var filteredArray = studentCourses.filter(function(element) {
   var courses = element.courses.split(' ');
   return courses.filter(function(course) {
       return filtersArray.indexOf(course) > -1;
    }).length === filtersArray.length;



  courses: "Arts Language Biology Chemistry Physics",
  id: 212
}, {
  courses: "Biology Chemistry Physics Arts",
  id: 214

我们得到那些包含所有 filtersArray 元素的对象。请记住,对象可以有额外的课程,但它们必须包含 filterArray 的元素才能被过滤。

在 JavaScript 中使用 filter() 方法动态过滤对象数组


"use strict";
Array.prototype.flexFilter = function(criteria) {
  //set variables
  var matchFilters, matches = [], counter;

  //helper function to iterate over the criteria (filter criteria)
  matchFilters = function(item) {
    counter = 0
    for (var n = 0; n < criteria.length; n++) {
      if (criteria[n]["Values"].indexOf(item[criteria[n]["Field"]]) > -1) {
    // The array's current items satisfies all the filter criteria, if it is true
    return counter == criteria.length;

    //loop through every item of the array
    //and checks if the item satisfies the filter criteria
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
    if (matchFilters(this[i])) {
  // returns a new array holding the objects that fulfill the filter criteria
  return matches;

var personData = [
  { id: 1, name: "John", month: "January", gender: "M" },
  { id: 2, name: "Thomas", month: "March", gender: "M" },
  { id: 3, name: "Saira", month: "April", gender: "F" },
  { id: 4, name: "Daniel", month: "November", gender: "M" },
  { id: 5, name: "Leonardo", month: "March", gender: "M" },
  { id: 6, name: "Jamaima", month: "April", gender: "F" },
  { id: 7, name: "Tina", month: "December", gender: "F" },
  { id: 8, name: "Mehvish", month: "March", gender: "F" }

var filter_criteria = [
  { Field: "month", Values: ["March"] },
  { Field: "gender", Values: ["F", "M"] }
var filtered = personData.flexFilter(filter_criteria);

我们使用一个函数来遍历 filter_criteria 来检索匹配的值。

每个过滤条件都将被视为 AND,而多个过滤器值在过滤字段中被视为 OR


  gender: "M",
  id: 2,
  month: "March",
  name: "Thomas"
}, {
  gender: "M",
  id: 5,
  month: "March",
  name: "Leonardo"
}, {
  gender: "F",
  id: 8,
  month: "March",
  name: "Mehvish"

检查 filter_criteria 后,我们遍历每个数组元素并评估它是否满足过滤条件。

我们 push 进入 matches 数组以满足过滤条件。否则不行。

循环结束后,我们打印满足 filter_criteria 的新数组。

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Mehvish Ashiq is a former Java Programmer and a Data Science enthusiast who leverages her expertise to help others to learn and grow by creating interesting, useful, and reader-friendly content in Computer Programming, Data Science, and Technology.

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