C# 中的构造函数链

Fil Zjazel Romaeus Villegas 2023年1月30日 2022年4月20日
  1. 什么是构造函数
  2. 什么是构造函数重载
  3. 什么是构造函数链
  4. 构造函数链接示例
C# 中的构造函数链

本教程将演示如何在 C# 中进行构造函数链接。要了解构造函数链,首先必须了解以下概念。



参考下面的这个示例类。此类的构造函数将自动设置其变量的值,如下面的初始化详述。如果你将构造函数留空,则默认情况下所有类变量都将为 null

class Tutorial_Class
    public string name;
    public DateTime created_date;
    public List<string> topics;
    public string description;
    public bool draft;

    public Tutorial_Class()
        //This is the constructor method
        this.name = "Tutorial Draft"; 
        this.created_date = DateTime.Now;
        this.topics = new List<string>();
        this.description = "Tutorial Description";
        this.draft =  true; 



在下面的示例中,我们添加了另一个接受单个字符串输入的构造函数。如果提供了输入,它会将 name 变量设置为输入值的变量。

class Tutorial_Class
    public string name;
    public DateTime created_date;
    public List<string> topics;
    public string description;
    public bool draft;

    public Tutorial_Class()
        //This is the initial constructor method and will be used if no parameter is passed
        this.name = "Tutorial Draft"; 
        this.created_date = DateTime.Now;
        this.topics = new List<string>();
        this.description = "Tutorial Description";
        this.draft =  true; 

    public Tutorial_Class(string name)
        //This is the second constructor method and will be used if you pass a single string parameter
        //Instead of the name variable being set to "Tutorial Draft", it will be set to the value of the input parameter
        this.name = name;
        this.created_date = DateTime.Now;
        this.topics = new List<string>();
        this.description = "Tutorial Description";
        this.draft =  true;


构造函数链接允许你从另一个构造函数中调用另一个构造函数。使用相同的示例,假设你在不传递任何参数的情况下创建了一个 Tutorial_Class 的新实例。我们可以修改初始构造函数,使其具有一个默认参数,该参数将触发第二个构造函数被调用。因此得名构造函数链。你也可以将其视为类似于可选参数,无论你是否显式传递任何内容,它都会设置默认值。

在下面的示例中,我们没有在初始构造函数中设置值,而是将默认名称 Tutorial Draft 传递给触发第二个构造函数的构造函数。

class Tutorial_Class
    public string name;
    public DateTime created_date;
    public List<string> topics;
    public string description;
    public bool draft;

    public Tutorial_Class(): this("Tutorial Draft")
		//The intiial constructor is now blank but will trigger the second constructor due to the "this("Tutorial Draft")" line.
        //If you remove the parameter, all of the class variables will again be null by default instead

    public Tutorial_Class(string name)
        //As the initial constructor passed a single string parameter, this constructor is then called and all variable values are set
        this.name = name;
        this.created_date = DateTime.Now;
        this.topics = new List<string>();
        this.description = "Tutorial Description";
        this.draft =  true;




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConstructorChaining_Example
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Initialize a new instance of the class with no parameters
            Tutorial_Class no_params = new Tutorial_Class();
            //Print the results to the console
            Console.WriteLine("Tutorial_Class with No Parameters:\n");

            //Initialize a new instance of the class with the tutorial name "Sample Tutorial 1"
            Tutorial_Class string_param = new Tutorial_Class("Sample Tutorial 1");
            //Print the results to the console
            Console.WriteLine("Tutorial_Class with a Tutorial Name Provided:\n");

            //Initialize a new instance of the class with the tutorial name "Sample Tutorial 2" and a created date of December 31, 2021.
            Tutorial_Class string_and_date_param = new Tutorial_Class("Sample Tutorial 2", new DateTime(2021,12,31));
            //Print the results to the console
            Console.WriteLine("Tutorial_Class with a Tutorial Name and Created Date Provided:\n");



        public class Tutorial_Class
            public string name;
            public DateTime created_date;
            public List<string> topics;
            public string description;
            public bool draft;

            public Tutorial_Class(): this("Tutorial Draft")
        		//This is the initial constructor class which is only executed when no parameters are passed
         		//Once the class is created, the second constructor class will be triggered with the name parameter "Tutorial Draft"    
                this.description = "No Parameter Passed";

            public Tutorial_Class(string name): this(name, DateTime.Now)
                //This is the second constructor class
                //This can be called by two ways, either by initializing the class with no parameters or by passing a specific string parameter for the tutorial name
                //Regardless of how this constructor is triggered, it will by default also execute the third constructor class by passing the current DateTime as the date param
                this.description = "A tutorial name has been passed";

            public Tutorial_Class(string name, DateTime date)
                //This is the third constructor class
                //Regardless of how the class is initialized, this will always be triggered due to how the constructors are chained
                this.name = name;
                this.created_date = date;
                this.topics = new List<string>();
                this.description = "A tutorial name and created date have both been passed";
                this.draft =  true;

        public static void PrintVariables(Tutorial_Class tutorial)
            //This function accepts a Tutorial_Class and prints three of its variables to the console
            Console.WriteLine("Tutorial Name: " + tutorial.name + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Created Date: " + tutorial.created_date.ToString() + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Description: " + tutorial.description + "\n");



在上面的示例中,我们创建了 Tutorial_Class 的三个实例,并为每个实例提供了不同的参数。你可以观察到,无论哪个构造函数先初始化,它们总是触发第三个构造函数,这可以通过查看其他变量如何具有值来验证,而不仅仅是描述。



Tutorial_Class with No Parameters:

Tutorial Name: Tutorial Draft

Created Date: 28/12/2021 8:25:35 pm

Description: No Parameter Passed

Tutorial_Class with a Tutorial Name Provided:

Tutorial Name: Sample Tutorial 1

Created Date: 28/12/2021 8:25:35 pm

Description: A tutorial name has been passed

Tutorial_Class with a Tutorial Name and Created Date Provided:

Tutorial Name: Sample Tutorial 2

Created Date: 31/12/2021 12:00:00 am

Description: A tutorial name and created date have both been passed