Python while 迴圈

Jinku Hu 2023年1月30日
  1. while 迴圈示例
  2. while 迴圈結合 else
Python while 迴圈

在本節中,我們來介紹 while 迴圈,該迴圈內的語句會被執行多次,直到迴圈判斷條件不為 True 為止。在一個 while 迴圈中,如果判斷條件是 True,則執行 while 內部語句,這個過程一直持續到條件變為 False

whilefor 迴圈相比,主要使用在當你不知道將要執行多少次迴圈語句(迭代總數)時。

以下是 Python while 迴圈的語法:

while condition:
    block of statements

這裡,如果 conditionTrue 的話,則控制進入主體 while 並執行內部語句塊,當條件變為時 False,迭代將停止並且迴圈也會終止。

while 迴圈示例


sum = 0
i = 0  # initializing counter variable at 0
while i <= 10:
    sum = sum + i
    i = i + 2  # incrementing counter variable with inter of 2 for even numbers
print("Sum of first five even numbers =", sum)
Sum of first five even numbers = 30

首先,需要初始化計數器變數的值 i,然後 while 的判斷條件是如果 i 大於 10 則應該終止 while 迴圈。然後 i 在每次迭代中遞增 2 來增加計數器變數,這將生成偶數序列,因為最初 i 為零。

i 變為 12 時,迴圈終止並將 sum 列印出來。在迴圈的每次迭代中,將值 i 累加到 sum

while 迴圈結合 else

while 迴圈語法中,你也可以在後面新增 else 語句塊,改語句塊在條件判斷為 False 並且迴圈沒有被跳出情況下被執行。

如果你使用 break 終止 while 迴圈,那它將忽略該 else 部分。
count = 0
while count < 4:
    print("You are inside while loop")
    count = count + 1
    print("You are in else part")
You are inside while loop
You are inside while loop
You are inside while loop
You are inside while loop
You are in else part

count 大於 4 時,else 部分會被執行。

作者: Jinku Hu
Jinku Hu avatar Jinku Hu avatar

Founder of Jinku has worked in the robotics and automotive industries for over 8 years. He sharpened his coding skills when he needed to do the automatic testing, data collection from remote servers and report creation from the endurance test. He is from an electrical/electronics engineering background but has expanded his interest to embedded electronics, embedded programming and front-/back-end programming.


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