Python 如何列印出多個變數

Jinku Hu 2023年1月30日
  1. 需求
  2. 解決方案
  3. Python3.6+ 新引入的方法
Python 如何列印出多個變數

我們會在本貼士中來介紹在 Python2 和 3 中如何列印出多個變數,或者說如何來構造包含多個變數的字串。



city = "Amsterdam"
country = "Netherlands"

請列印出包含這兩個變數 citycountry 的字串,示例如下,

City Amsterdam is in the country Netherlands


Python2 及 3 的方法

1. 傳遞引數的值

# Python 2
>>> print "City", city, 'is in the country', country

# Python 3
>>> print("City", city, 'is in the country', country)

2. 格式化字串


  • 順序傳遞
# Python 2
>>> print "City {} is in the country {}".format(city, country)

# Python 3
>>> print("City {} is in the country {}".format(city, country))
  • 建立數字索引


    # Python 2
    >> > print "City {1} is in the country {0}, yes, in {0}".format(country, city)
    # Python 3
    >> > print("City {1} is in the country {0}, yes, in {0}".format(country, city))
  • 給每個引用命名

    # Python 2
    >> > print "City {city} is in the country {country}".format(country=country, city=city)
    # Python 3
    >> > print("City {city} is in the country {country}".format(country=country, city=city))

3. 多個引數組成元組來傳遞引數

# Python 2
>>> print "City %s is in the country %s" %(city, country)

# Python 3
>>> print("City %s is in the country %s" %(city, country))

Python3.6+ 新引入的方法

從 Python3.6 開始有了新的一種格式化字串的方法-f-strings。它有點類似於字串格式化方法 str.format()

# Only from Python 3.6
>>> print(f"City {city} is in the country {country}")
作者: Jinku Hu
Jinku Hu avatar Jinku Hu avatar

Founder of Jinku has worked in the robotics and automotive industries for over 8 years. He sharpened his coding skills when he needed to do the automatic testing, data collection from remote servers and report creation from the endurance test. He is from an electrical/electronics engineering background but has expanded his interest to embedded electronics, embedded programming and front-/back-end programming.


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